Garden Storage and Playroom Cottage
This shed doubles as garden tool storage space and a lovely play cottage for two very lucky granddaughters. Inside, they have space to do art projects under the soft pink glow of fairy lights, and sit with their grandparents for some quality playtime.

This little cottage of dreams has an adorable story behind it. These crafters were in need of a workshop and noticed their neighbor getting rid of his small unattached garage, so they inquired about it, before getting some friends and transporting the whole structure to their backyard, where they gave it a complete makeover. Neighborly interactions, a helpful gang of friends, and a cute, flowery cottage? It’s almost too good to be true!

Fall Potting Shed
This bold little potting shed gets a full themed costume every season! For fall, planters of mums and pumpkins galore line its mini porch. Could you imagine a better spot to inspire your green-thumb?

Two-Story Shed
With two stories for maximum storage space, this quaint shed is so perfect, it’s a shock that no one’s moved in to stay! The flash of purple along with the traditional barn-like colors, and the mounds of delicate blooms, make this little shed absolutely fairytale-esque.

Crickhollow Cottage Potting Shed
Have we gotten lost in a Brothers Grimm tale, you ask? Well, it certainly looks that way, but this is actually a playhouse that was turned into shed, with the help of a bunch of recycled materials. And it’s not in an enchanted forest somewhere—it’s actually in North Carolina.

Old Windows to Grand Greenhouse
Don’t throw anything out ever again—instead, create the perfect gardening shed with it, like this greenhouse constructed from old windows. Okay, so this might not work with every old thing you have lying around, but just imagine turning trash into a treasured gardening space with its own outdoor patio.

Multifunctional Potting Shed
This shed is actually a lot more spacious than you might think. Complete with a storage space, a potting space, a growing area, and additional loft storage, this shed is the full gardening experience, not to mention super cute.

Idyllic Forest Shed
With a relaxing patio, an inviting birdhouse, and a cozy cover of vibrant green foliage, this little garden space could not be more idyllic. Check out the farm-inspired detail of those antique watering cans near the door!

Schoolhouse-Style Potting Shed
Speaking of antique and barn-like, do you see this place? It looks like a schoolhouse from the days when kids would practice their alphabet on their personal chalk slates. Which makes sense, because this schoolhouse-style garden shed belongs to a lucky second grade teacher.

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