Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Monday 15 Stunningly Surreal Autumn Paths

Is there anything more glorious than a stroll down a winding country path in autumn? Breathing in the woody scent of fall, listening to the crisp leaves crunch under your feet, indulging in the total, peaceful silence around you. Sometimes, you can get so lost in your thoughts, that when you suddenly stumble upon a scene that's so beautiful it's almost too surreal to exist, you can't help but wonder if you somehow walked right into a fairytale. Here are a few photos that will bring you there:

1. A crimson forest carpet.

2. A seemingly chocolate covered lane. 

3. A look into what lies beyond. 

 4. Leaves lying flat against a wet pavement, as in a watercolor painting. 

5. The sun bursting through a stone staircase. 

6. A winding road along a tangerine plain. 

7. A see of color on a forest road. 

 8. A path running parallel to a field enshrouded in fog. 

 9. A light at the end of a sycamore-lined path. 

10. A walkway through the copper harvest.

 11. A bridge path where you'd least expect one. 

 12. A haunting walkway through the autumn marsh. 

13. The kind of path on which you know exactly where you're going. 

14. And the kind of path where you have no idea. 

15. But perhaps the best path of all, is the one that leads home. 

Photo Credits: lightkey/Getty, James Forsyth/Getty, Ghety Daniel/Getty, Chalk Photgraphy/Getty, Bob van der berg/Getty, Ron/Patty Thomas Photography/Getty, peter zelei/getty, Travis/Flickr, Mariano Cuajao/Flickr,  Indiana David Cornwell/Flickr, Erik Drost/Flickr, Whitehead/Flickr, Stephen Strathdee/Getty, Sino Images/Getty, Charles Sleicher/Getty.


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